Monday, April 27, 2009

Artificial people, in an artificial world*

Artificial people, in an artificial world,
Toothy smiles and air kisses.
Indifferent faces and lifeless eyes,
Eyes don’t meet, lips don’t say,
What the mind thinks, or the ears hear.

Artificial people, in an artificial world,
Do I really care what you think or do?
What do you have for me, what can you do?
How much would you add, to my value,
To my world, and to my bottomline.

Artificial people, in an artificial world,
Good friends are meant to be seen with,
Not heard. Good friends are meant,
To be photographed with not spoken to,
Buddies forever, in stratosphere.

Artificial people, in an artificial world,
Make my life full, come people it.
You make me look good, you make me feel,
Like someone great, the way someone should.
Good friend. What would I do without you?

*Dedicated to my good friend(!) S. With love.


  1. oh sandhya! trust you to say what i think, and i'm sure so many others think, so sharply! just yesterday i was telling a friend, the 'really' good kind, how some people find it impossible to throw parties without the obligatory camera person from a daily rag around. what's happening to us??

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  3. Sandy! this is lovely n yet so true! I hate the artificial people!! damn them!! n i hope u will always remain a good friend to me!

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  5. Strikes a chord..There are people who are your good friends..And there are people who you think are your good friends..Then there are some who pretend to be your good friends..Its only over time you can sift through and find friends who will be with you irrespective of what you can do for them and what your status is. Till then put on your best smile and continue to live with the artificial people in the artificial world !!

  6. But still v learn the art of survival with these "artificial" people . . . R V diaboloical? . . . do v hav options? if v hav do v opt 4 it ? if not y?

  7. Interesting Nagappan. Yes. We do have options but the choices we exercise are sometimes contrary to what we profess! How true!
