Thursday, March 26, 2009

Idiots are God’s Own People

Idiots are God’s Own People,
He lovingly nurtures them and ensures they proliferate
Populating the Earth with more of their kind.
Ensuring that they get their way
They live their life with minimum fuss
Expectations, or disturbances.
And the few painful intelligent
Are batted aside if ever their paths cross.

Idiots find their way to heaven,
A heaven of their own making,
For wherever they go, it will be heaven.
But for the rest, with a spark of intelligence,
Heaven is certainly out of bounds,
Peopled by idiots.
So they are doomed to find Hell
Wherever they go.


  1. I actually typed out 'Sandhya Sridhar + blog' on google one day - but i think that was in 2008..

    You write so well :)

    Post 'cookies and chai' too!

  2. So bloody true. A simple truth. Lucky me!

    (Must thank MS for pointing us to this blog)
