Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The naysayers

Strange are the ways of the naysayers.

When they say no, they mean yes. And I am not talking about the gender thingie.

I am talking about people who say, oh no… we don’t do this or don’t do that. And you discover that they are the ones who are doing it all the time, quietly, under the guise of a ‘no’.

Self-righteousness is the dead give-away.

Like someone recently shook his head gravely at the cutbacks that some members of his fraternity indulged in, and remarked to me, “They give our profession a bad name.”

I am in doubt. Is ‘they’ always someone else? Or is the shadowy third closer home?

1 comment:

  1. Closer home, closer home! In fact, right AT home. It has always been my belief that people who are most vociferous about doing something or not, are the ones who do the exact opposite. My first time here. Nice. :)
