Friday, May 8, 2009

Fools rush in…

…where angels fear to tread.
Fools are dangerous and not nice to know.
Fools rarely discern what they need to know.

Fools pontificate on issues they know not,
Fools dive in where the waters are hot,
Fools take the victory of the world upon themselves,
Yet rarely does the fool get recognised.

These anti-angels make up most men,
They make our world and foolish it often.
I fear the fool more than I do the villain,
For after all, the villainy has a point
Foolishness never does!


  1. hmmm...sounds like your frustration meter has hit an all time high!

    'they make our world and foolish it often...'

    nice usage, completely original, perfectly apt.

  2. wow! brilliant!!! so apt for someone i know :)
